Welcome to Servian Stock Images
At Servian Stock Images we specialise in historical, fantasy, and fine art photos. While our images are seen mostly on book covers, you're welcome to use them for any project.
Our photos have been available on the major stock websites for several years, but this is the first time we're offering them direct to you with very few limitations on usage.
For more information about us and how we can supply you with beautiful images for an affordable price, read About Servian Stock Images, About Images and Licenses, and the FAQs.
Please contact us if you have any questions, or are looking for something specific that we don't currently offer. We're always interested in new ideas for photoshoots and will do everything we can to help you.
Shop Our Collections

Our historical images span over two thousand years from 700AD to the 1950s including Viking, Medieval, Tudor, Renaissance, Georgian, Regency, Victorian, and 20th century. We strive to make our costumes as historically accurate as possible

Other Images
Images that are not historical or fantasy. They include contemporary individuals and couples. dancers, people in cultural dress, and anything else that doesn't fit into another category but would still make a lovely book cover

Fine Art Digital composites
Fine art images are available for licensing on request. Contact us to discuss

Ready-Made Cover Images
Images created and sized to standard paperback dimensions so you can make a full wrap with front, spine, and back or an e-book cover simply by adding text.